Wednesday 2 November 2011

Aliens Film Poster Analysis

The poster is very plain which makes us focus on the text "Aliens" and the captions below. The caption "This time it's war" suggests violence and war. "Aliens" is in a sc-fi style font which further reinforces the genre as a sci-fi thriller. The "I" in the Aliens text almost ooks like a snake eye with a blue glow behind. This reinforces the sci-fi genre again with the futuristic feel of the glow. By having the poster plain except for the text it gives the connotation that their are only aliens there and that no one is there to help. Due to the fact the poster doesn't featre any images of the aliens it makes us create an image of them in our head and there is also a sense of enigma about them. The poster doesn't have any names of the actors or actresses therefore it suggests it is more about the plot behind the film rather than the actors in it. The caption, "There are some places in the universe you don't go alone" adds suspense and has an enigmatic feeling behind it.

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