Wednesday 2 November 2011

Pre-Production Treatment

Title: Crimson

Brief Synopsis of my production: I will produce 2 promotional posters, a DVD cover/ back and spine

-Subgenre ( Film Noir)

Click HereTo Learn More On The Film Noir Genre

Conventions of the genre:

Film noir conventions are Femme Fatals (deceiving women in provocative poses), private detectives, guns, cigarettes and a simple problem that turns complex. Other conventions include Chiaroscuro ( Light-Dark) lighting.

Target Demographic:

My target demographic is males aged 18+. This is because conventionally men aged 18+ are more interested in Film Noir films due to the women in provocative poses and the action/ drama that the private detectives bring. The ethnicity, social class and geographic location of my target demographic doesn't apply.

Brief Overveiw of the narrative:

-Crimson ( The deceitful women)
-Charlie ( The private detective)
-Events ( A simple problem eg crime that turns complex)

Other relevant information:



-Middle Aged women playing a deceitful women
-Middle Aged man playing a private detective


-Sub-urban area
-Dark Walkway/ Alley

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